Bolloré Transport & Logistics DRC promotes multimodal solutions for agri sector
Bolloré Transport

May 13, 2021: Bolloré Transport & Logistics in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (BTLDRC) is ensuring transport operations by road and rail for the country’s agricultural sector. The company is promoting multimodal solutions for supplying the DRC with inputs and shipping agricultural products.
On 12 April 2021, BTLDRC made the first delivery of 36 containers of fertiliser from Central Europe to the Brabanta plantation company. The containers were received at the Port of Matadi then shipped 350 kilometres by road and stored at the Port of Kinshasa Container Terminal (PKCT). The containers were then loaded onto the barges of the waterway transport operator Société Centrafricaine de Transport Fluvial (SOCATRAF) and transported 800 kilometres by river to be delivered to Mapangu site in the province of Kasaï-Occidental.
As part of the operation, Brabanta, which entrusted BTLDRC with the logistics for several batches of containers of farming inputs, is shipping its production by barge. Over 15,000 tonnes of palm oil from Mapangu will thus be shipped to Kinshasa to be processed to the benefit of local populations.
“BTLDRC is thus providing the country’s agricultural sector and its operators with a rapid and reliable combined logistics solution. Thanks to SOCATRAF, we are able to efficiently manage draught issues on the Kasai River. All our teams are fully committed to promoting this multimodal solution. The Brabanta plantations that entrusted us with some 100 containers are boosting our commitment to promoting this solution, which contributes to the development of agriculture in the DRC,” said Michael Chami, sales and marketing director of BTLDRC.