Bollore Logistics carries 126 tonnes of mining equipment from Ghana to Burkina Faso
The Bollore Transport and Logistics teams in Ghana and Burkina Faso have combined their expertise for the transportation and delivery on site of equip

August 29, 2019: The Bollore Transport & Logistics teams in Ghana and Burkina Faso have combined their expertise for the transportation and delivery on site of equipment for the Socit des mines de Sanbrado (Somisa), a subsidiary of West African Resources. The cargo included 13 packages weighing more than 126 tonnes; the largest items measured 7.8 metres in length, 6 metres in width, and 4.22 metres in height - completed a journey of 1,062 kilometres fully secured by the Bollor teams in order to facilitate operations.
Five trucks from Bollore Ghana left the region on July 25, 2019, and arrived at the Socit des mines de Sanbrado (SOMISA) site in Burkina Faso on August 2, 2019.
Synergies between all stakeholders have made it possible to anticipate the reception of trucks and unloading on arrival at the Somisa mine.
SOMISA has reported being satisfied with the operation, particularly with the personalised follow-up provided.