EU, Qatar ink new air service agreements to strengthen ties
EU and the State of Qatar have signed a new air services agreement

Feb 06, 2019: The European Union (EU) and the State of Qatar have signed a new air services agreement, which will be the first of its kind ever between the EU and a Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) member state. It will provide a significant competitive edge to air carriers of both sides and a sustainable framework for future operations. As a result, all air carriers from the 28 EU member states and Qatar now have unlimited and unrestricted access to their respective territories.
Qatar Airways group chief executive Akbar Al Baker, said, “Through these negotiations, both sides have demonstrated that positive engagement can build trust among nations, so they can embrace the benefits of competition. Our hope is that the success of these negotiations will encourage other trading blocs and significant aviation markets to join in achieving a liberalised global aviation regime for future generations. The agreement will offer a common platform for airlines in Europe and Qatar to understand each other better, creating new opportunities for collaboration and cooperation. We approach the principle of fair competition very simply: fair access to markets, competing for market share based on products and services of what the customer wants and is willing to purchase.”
As part of this agreement, the State of Qatar and the EU have taken bold steps by agreeing to articles on fair competition, environment, consumer protection, social aspects, and transparency, as well as the inclusion of a doing-business provision, which exempts EU carriers from the obligation to hire a local General Sales Agent in Qatar.
Through this historic agreement, which was announced during the CAPA Qatar Aviation, Aeropolitical and Regulatory Summit in Doha, the State of Qatar has demonstrated once again that despite the ongoing intra-regional geopolitical tensions due to the illegal blockade imposed on the nation, it remains a leader on the global stage.
Qatar Airways will add a number of new destinations to its extensive route network in 2019, including Malta.