Pharma.Aero, The STAT Trade Times announce last webinar on June 18
The third and final webinar titled “The Future: Will Life Science and MedTech Air Cargo Supply Chain Be Completely Different” organised by Pharma.Aero

June 11, 2020: The third and final webinar titled “The Future: Will Life Science and MedTech Air Cargo Supply Chain Be Completely Different?” organised by Pharma.Aero in collaboration with The STAT Trade Times will conclude the series on June 18 2020.
The agenda of this final session discusses structural changes and impacts resulting from the Covid-19 pandemic. Professor Wouter Dewulf of the University of Antwerp and academic director of C-MAT will share his opinions on the impact and possible scenarios to be expected. He will be joined by other opinion leaders representing pharmaceutical companies including Marc Schmid of Novartis and Kathleen Buckley of Johnson&Johnson. The sharing by the opinion leaders would follow with a round table discussion led by Jaisey Yip of Changi Airport Group and Pharma.Aero’s vice-chairman, Alex Leung of Cathay Pacific and Paul Delbar of Nallian.
The webinar series included three sessions - May 7, May 28 and the upcoming one.
The webinar held on May 28, titled “The Day After Covid-19: How Collaboration Can Prepare Us For The Impact” had global leaders on the panel zoomed in on short to mid-term Covid-19 scenarios, as well as the importance of collaboration amongst all the stakeholders of the entire life science and MedTech supply chain. Similar to the previous edition, the virtual event was attended by pharma shippers, freight forwarders, integrators, airports, airlines, ground handlers, aircraft OEMs, solution providers and industry organisations like IATA, TIACA.
Following the conclusion of the webinar, an executive summary will be shared on the Pharma.Aero website, LinkedIn and The STAT Trade Times social channels.
Pharma.Aero continues to uphold our vision of aligning all members to collaborate and enhance end to end air transportation of pharmaceuticals. On this note, it has announced Polar Air Cargo as its new full member.
“We’re so pleased that Polar Air Cargo has joined Pharma.Aero,” said Lars Winkelbauer, EVP and COO, Polar Air Cargo. “Polar is aligned with the organisation’s mission to achieve excellence in reliable end-to-end air transportation for pharma shippers, and as we grow our own footprint in pharma air transport, we look forward to collaborating with Pharma.Aero and its members.”